About Us
The Elliptical Stroller is propelling fitness and child care to the future by turning your stroller into workout equipment. The first of its kind, this revolutionary stroller is created of two components; the carriage and the elliptical mechanism, which allows one to use the stroller in both conventional and athletic modes. The entire mechanism has the ability to fold when not in use, allowing you to have a traditional stroller. With a simple unfolding, you’re able to unlock the elliptical option, allowing one to go further distances and engage in a cardio workout. Burn calories while spending time with your child or pet, giving you all the functionality of a stroller with the benefits of an elliptical.
what we’ve accomplished
we are improving the design!!

For many new parents, finding the time to balance their parental role and fitness can be challenging. Self care can be hard when there is another human being depending on you.
Scheduling in me time to work out in between attempting to get adequate rest, catch up on chores and other expectations can leave parents with too much to do and not enough time in the day to get it done.
Our elliptical stroller is the future of fitness and child care. By allowing parents to combine a quick cardio session alongside taking their child for a stroll, it allows for a physically, mentally and emotionally healthier transition to parenthood, where one’s wellness is no longer put on the backburner. Not only do you save money on expensive gym memberships and at home workout machines but our stroller makes it almost impossible to avoid creating a consistent workout routine. Thus contributing to significantly reducing the stress levels of overwhelmed parents, trying to balance their careers and caring for their children. A casual 20 minute ride with the elliptical stroller will improve your physical fitness and mental well-being, without you losing precious time with your infant, or spending energy trying to find child care to allow you to make your pilates class.
Up to 86% of new mothers struggle with postpartum depression, the physical and hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body post-partum can easily lead to body dysmorphia. Consistent cardio workouts allow for endorphins to be released, assisting in regulating hormones and allowing parents to seamlessly fit in their workouts while having their child alongside them. This revolutionary stroller will allow you to take care of your physical well-being without compromising that crucial, intimate time with your child; resulting in a more efficient family/life balance that will benefit both parent and child.